The Fun Books provide additional recital pieces designed for students who require more solo material and are particularly useful when two students are from the same family (Recital Book for one, Fun Book for the other).
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 028077 Grade: Price: $8.50 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Fun Books provide additional recital pieces designed for students who require more solo material and are particularly useful when two students are from the same family (Recital Book for one, Fun Book for the other).
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 002648 Grade: Price: $6.50 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The completion of a Lesson Book and graduating to the next level is a very important step in the growth of a piano student. At times, it is beneficial to take a short break to play some new pieces that use the skills recently perfected. The Graduation Books contain captivating solos that students can perform without having to learn something new. Because the students will know everything needed to play any piece in their level, they may play them in any order they wish.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 027904 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The completion of a Lesson Book and graduating to the next level is a very important step in the growth of a piano student. At times, it is beneficial to take a short break to play some new pieces that use the skills recently perfected. The Graduation Books contain captivating solos that students can perform without having to learn something new. Because the students will know everything needed to play any piece in their level, they may play them in any order they wish.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 027905 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
This Teacher's Handbook is designed to be used when teaching Levels 1 and 2 of Alfred's Basic Group Piano Course. This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 028295 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
This Teacher's Handbook is designed to be used when teaching Levels 3 and 4 of Alfred's Basic Group Piano Course. This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 049162 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. CDs andMIDI Disks have accompaniments that range from simple drum patterns to full orchestrations that add musical interest and motivate students. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Adult Courses Item: 028293 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. CDs andMIDI Disks have accompaniments that range from simple drum patterns to full orchestrations that add musical interest and motivate students. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Adult Courses Item: 028294 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. CDs andMIDI Disks have accompaniments that range from simple drum patterns to full orchestrations that add musical interest and motivate students. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Adult Courses Item: 049160 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
This unique method was designed specifically for young students who are beginning piano study in a group setting. This easy-to-teach beginners course includes all of the most important components to develop comprehensive musicians and performers. CDs andMIDI Disks have accompaniments that range from simple drum patterns to full orchestrations that add musical interest and motivate students. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Adult Courses Item: 049161 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 008118 Grade: Price: $7.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 007093 Grade: Price: $6.50 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 002032 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 007092 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Hymn Books contain the world's most famous hymns and are perfect for the student who enjoys playing sacred music. Duet parts are included in the first three levels.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 028078 Grade: Price: $6.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The 22 well-known hymns presented in this book will provide enjoyable material that will reinforce each new principle and concept introduced in the Level 3 Lesson Book of ALFRED'S BASIC PIANO LIBRARY. For those who are particularly motivated by sacred music, this book should provide many hours of musical enjoyment that will result in improvement in the performance of music of all types.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 007094 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Complete Level 1 is a faster-paced version of Levels 1A and 1B that gets to staff reading more quickly. Perfect for a student who is 8 or older, or for a younger beginner with great musical aptitude. This course is most effective when used under the direction of a piano teacher or experienced musician.
(sample pages)
Category: Piano Methods Item: 001779 Grade: Price: $12.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book Level 1A begins by teaching basic keyboard topography and fluent recognition of white key names in relation to black keys. It focuses on simple rhythms and prepares students for intervallic reading with entertaining songs that focus on "same," "stepping up" and "stepping down." It then introduces lines and space notes in treble and bass clefs, melodic and harmonic intervals o...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book Level 1A begins by teaching basic keyboard topography and fluent recognition of white key names in relation to black keys. It focuses on simple rhythms and prepares students for intervallic reading with entertaining songs that focus on "same," "stepping up" and "stepping down." It then introduces lines and space notes in treble and bass clefs, melodic and harmonic intervals o...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 1B begins by reviewing the concepts taught in Lesson Book 1A, then introduces new concepts such as incomplete measures, tempo markings, eighth notes and rests, using the damper pedal, half steps and whole steps. It also introduces the major scale through the concept of tetrachords. Songs Include: Brother John * Carol in G Major * The Carousel * The Clown * Concert Time * A Co...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 1B begins by reviewing the concepts taught in Lesson Book 1A, then introduces new concepts such as incomplete measures, tempo markings, eighth notes and rests, using the damper pedal, half steps and whole steps. It also introduces the major scale through the concept of tetrachords. Songs Include: Brother John * Carol in G Major * The Carousel * The Clown * Concert Time * A Co...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 2 continues where Level 1B finishes. This book introduces dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes, plus intervals of 6ths, 7ths and octaves. Teaches greater movement of the hands, including crossing two over one and scalework. Students will also learn more about triads, primary chords, and blocked and broken chords. Songs Include: 18th Century Dance * Alouette * Blue Scale...
A faster-paced, combined version of Levels 2 and 3. Perfect for students who are progressing rapidly through the Complete Level 1 Lesson Book and who wish to continue at the same accelerated pace.
Category: Piano Methods Item: 016426 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 3 introduces "overlapping pedal"; new time signatures 3/8 and 6/8; and the primary triads in Major and Minor keys. Concepts include: passing one under two and one under three; playing major scales in contrary motion; the chromatic scale; the minor scale. For reinforcement of each principle as it is introduced, supplementary material is carefully coordinated, page for page, a...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 4 concepts include: tarantellas; eighth note triplets; arpeggiated chords; first and second inversion triads in C; triads in all positions; major scales in parallel motion; two-part writing; seventh chords and inversions of seventh chords; E harmonic minor scale in contrary motion; primary chords in E minor; sixteenth notes; dotted eighth notes; primary chords in B-flat Major...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 4 concepts include: tarantellas; eighth note triplets; arpeggiated chords; first and second inversion triads in C; triads in all positions; major scales in parallel motion; two-part writing; seventh chords and inversions of seventh chords; E harmonic minor scale in contrary motion; primary chords in E minor; sixteenth notes; dotted eighth notes; primary chords in B-flat Major...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Level 6 concepts include: a review of major and minor triads; diminished and augmented triads; the diminished seventh chord; a special style ofpedaling; the key of F sharp Minor; the E Major scale; the key of C sharp minor; the A flat Major scale; thirty-second notes; and dotted sixteenth notes. This book also contains an important daily scale routine and a dictionary of musical terms. F...
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010801 Grade: Price: $7.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010799 Grade: Price: $6.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010800 Grade: Price: $6.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010802 Grade: Price: $6.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 026128 Grade: Price: $6.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010803 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010804 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Carefully graded carols are placed in order of difficulty within each book. Every carol has a duet part for the teacher or parent. May be used with any method.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 010805 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 008733 Grade: Price: $11.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 008731 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 008732 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 003371 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 028095 Grade: Price: $9.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective supplement to other piano methods.
Category: Piano Methods - Note Spellers Item: 028094 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Playing patriotic music is enjoyable for young performers, too, either during practice or when performing for family and friends. These Patriotic Books are correlated with Lesson Books of Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Easy-to-master arrangements of popular and classic patriotic melodies are featured in each volume. Words are also included.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 041604 Grade: Price: $6.50 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Playing patriotic music is enjoyable for young performers, too, either during practice or when performing for family and friends. These Patriotic Books are correlated with Lesson Books of Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Easy-to-master arrangements of popular and classic patriotic melodies are featured in each volume. Words are also included.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 041605 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Playing patriotic music is enjoyable for young performers, too, either during practice or when performing for family and friends. These Patriotic Books are correlated with Lesson Books of Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Easy-to-master arrangements of popular and classic patriotic melodies are featured in each volume. Words are also included.
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 041606 Grade: Price: $5.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Popular Hits answers the often expressed need for popular music to be used as supplementary music for students. Soon after beginning piano study, students can play attractive versions of the best-known melodies of today. This book is a compilation of Level 1A and Level 1B of Alfred's Basic Piano Library Popular Hits books, and correlates page-by-page with Lesson Book Complete Level 1 of Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Titles: All About That Bass (Meghan Trainor) * Baby...
Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Popular Hits answers the often expressed need for popular music to be used as supplementary music for students. Soon after beginning piano study, students can play attractive versions of the best-known melodies of today. This book is correlated page-by-page with Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Lesson Book 1A. When pieces from the Popular Hits book are assigned in conjunction with the material in the Lesson Book, new concepts are reinforced in a fun and motivating way, ...
Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Popular Hits offers Broadway, pop, and movie music arrangements to be used as supplementary pieces for students. Soon after beginning piano study, students can play attractive versions of favorite classics, as well as the best-known popular music of today. This book is correlated page-by-page with Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Lesson Book B. When pieces from the Popular Hits book are assigned in conjunction with the material in the Lesson Book, new concepts are reinf...