Bendinelli, Cesare (Tarr) Tutta l'Arte della Trombetta (1614) - English Translation

Trumpet Studies & Etudes

  • Bendinelli, Cesare (Tarr)

    Tutta l'Arte della Trombetta (1614) - English Translation (Tarr)

    Complete English translation booklet by Edward Tarr designed to be used in conjunction with the facsimilie edition of the same title (our item 82795). This booklet contains no printed music. Includes biography and critical commentary. -cdp

    Through Bendinelli we can better understand the pitch and the range of the trumpet around 1600 and earlier; details of the technique of playing the trumpet, such as the leading of one's chin, articulation, the use of syllables in the various registers, the dran motif, and lipping; and the manner in which trumpeters played together in the five-part trumpet ensemble of those days. Bendinelli appears as a pedagogue of the highest rank. Bendinelli's Biography, the English translation and the critical commentary by Dr. Edward Tarr: a highly remarkable and illustrative work at current state of research. --the publisher

    (PDF, 4.4MB)

    • Category: Trumpet Studies & Etudes
    • Item: 082794
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $18.95

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