Sanborn, Chase Brass Tactics, Revised Edition w/CD & DVD

Textbooks - Performance & Preparation

  • Sanborn, Chase

    Brass Tactics, Revised Edition w/CD & DVD

    Brass Tactics has been described as 'the most complete book on trumpet playing ever written'. With a winning combination of insight, humor and real-world advice, jazz trumpeter Chase Sanborn teaches you everything you need to know about playing a brass instrument. Whether you are a professional, student, hobbyist or 'comeback player', you'll learn what, when and how to practice in order to tame the metal beast, and you'll be entertained along the way.

    Brass Tactics will teach you how to incorporate a variety of exercises into a complete practice routine, with the goal of making music with minimum interference from the instrument. You will learn not only what to practice, but how to practice. Brass Tactics also discusses horns, mouthpieces, gigs, teaching, lead playing and many other important facets of being a brass player. While written from the viewpoint of a trumpet player, most of the information is applicable to all brass instruments, and much of it is relevant for all musicians.

    The new Revised Edition of Brass Tactics contains all the information previously published in two volumes (Brass Tactics/The Brass Tactics Companion). It has been completely re-written and reorganized, and many new exercises have been added. Click on thelinks below to read excerpts and comments from readers.

    In response to many requests, a 60-minute demonstration CD is now available. Chase Sanborn discusses and demonstrates all the exercises that are presented in the book. Hearing the exercises played is vitally important in understanding how they should be approached, and helps the player develop a sound model to emulate.
    The Brass Tactics CD is included free, and is also available separately (catalog #47881).

    • Category: Textbooks - Performance & Preparation
    • Item: 047880
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $59.95

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