20th Century. Subtitled "In Memoriam, Leonard Bernstein," this Concerto was premiered by Joseph Alessi with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in December of 1992. Awarded the 1993 Pulitzer Prize in Music, this work has become one of the cornerstone pieces in the trombone repertoire. According to the composer, the Concerto "is not meant primarily as a display vehicle, nor is it intended to be the sort of lightweight work often associated with concerti for wind instruments. Rather, it was my intention to compose a work of substance, one which would allow the solo trombonist to participate in a statement of seriousness and, I hope, meaning."
(mvt. I) (mvt. II) (mvt. III)
Recorded by: Θ - Christian Lindberg, on American Trombone Concertos, v.2 - CD 26551