Spike, Party Cat and friends guide the student through fun and creative assignments that introduce the language of music and its symbols for sound, silence, and rhythm. Ear training and basic theory exercises help students learn to write and play the music they are learning as well as the music they create themselves. Correlates to Piano Lessons Book 1. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Theory Item: 029446 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library mascots Spike, Party Cat and friends guide the student through fun, creative assignments that introduce the language of music and its symbols for sound, silence, and rhythm. Ear training and basic theory exercises help students learn to write and play the music they are learning as well as the music they create themselves. This book correlates directly to Piano Lessons Book 2. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Theory Item: 029447 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library mascots Spike, Party Cat and friends guide students through fun and creative assignments that introduce the language of music and its symbols for sound, silence and rhythm. Ear training and basic theory exercises help students learn to write and play the music they are learning, as well as music they create themselves. Now updated to correlate with the newly revised Piano Lessons Book 3! -the publisher (sample pages)
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library mascots Spike, Party Cat and friends guide the student through fun and creative assignments that introduce the language of music and its symbols for sound, silence, and rhythm. Ear training and basic theory exercises help students learn to write and play the music they are learning as well as the music they create themselves. This book correlates directly to Piano Lessons Book 4. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Theory Item: 029449 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Piano Theory Workbook 5 includes practical, intermediate-level exercises in identifying chords and their inversions, counting 16ths, subdividing beats into various dotted-sixteenth rhythms, identifying chords of the key, writing Major and minor scales, and exercises in transposition and improvisation. Each exercise is correlated to the musical concepts learned in Piano Lessons Book 5. -the publisher (sample pages)