Cheetham, John Contraptions

Trumpet Solos - Unaccompanied

  • Cheetham, John


    Unaccompanied. Intended as companion piece to Concoctions. 9 short movements: Galipalop: equestrian speed control; Carcissascope: for measuring self-adulation; Muzzlemeter: anti-bloviating device for loquacious college professors; Frenetix: motivator forlethargic college students; Dentagator: for do it yourself root canals; Megalomaniaphone: for persons with "delusions of grandeur"; Myopticon: enables viewer "to see forest for the trees"; Piddle Paddle: potty training device; Zipadoo: vehicle which runs on hot air.

    (sample pages)

    • Category: Trumpet Solos - Unaccompanied
    • Item: 128692
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $14.00

    • (usually ships in 10 to 15 days)