Jellen, Mitch Magnum Drills (44)

Trumpet Studies & Etudes

  • Jellen, Mitch

    Magnum Drills (44)

    Nothing can take the place of the Arban Method for Trumpet, nor does one new method replace the need for others. This book, however, will expose the player to varied rhythms, harmonics and intervals, found on one page as opposed to on several pages as iscustomary in most books. You will also find that these vignettes are unlike anything you have seen or played before. Each one is designed to address a specific yet frequent concern. Depending on how your lip feels on a given day - should it need help to 'get it going' or repair due to abuse from the night before or realignment from having a missed a day of playing - you will find an exercise here that will feel good and be helpful for that day's routine. (excerpt from Preface by Mitch Jellen). 47 pages.

    (sample pages)

    • Category: Trumpet Studies & Etudes
    • Item: 047102
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $8.95

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