Various (Northcote) New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs

Vocal Range Collections, Alto/Mezzo Voice

  • Various (Northcote)

    New Imperial Edition Contralto Songs (Northcote)

    Contents: Adieu (Addio); As a sunbeam at morn (Come raggio di sol); Author of all my joys (O del mio dolce ardor); Cradle song (Bei der Wiege); Dearest Consort (Cara Sposa); Death and the maiden (Der Tod und das Madchen); Dewy Violets (La Violette); The Enchantress; Hark! What I tell to thee; How changed the vision (Cangio d'aspetto); How few the joys; Like any foolish moth I fly (Qual farfalleta amante); Litany (Litanei); Love triumphant (Von ewiger Liebe); Mignon's Song (Mignon's Leid); My soul is dark (Mein Herz ist schwer); Nay though my heart should break (Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt); A Night in May (Die Mainacht); O can ye sew cushions; Oft have I sighed; O my deir hert; The Praise of God (Der Ehre Gottes aus der Natur); Sapphic Ode (Sapphische Ode); Sea wreck; Serenade (Quand tu chantes); To music (An die Musik); Verdant Meadows (Verdi Prati); Where corals lie; The Willow Song; With a swanlike beauty gliding (Quando miro quel bel ciglio).

    (sample pages)

    • Category: Vocal Range Collections, Alto/Mezzo Voice
    • Item: 013433
    • Grade/Level: Various Grade Levels
    • Price: $22.99

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