Subtitled "Toward a More Perfect Tone," this is the 4th in the series of A Clarinetist's Notebook. In an intimate style, Bob explores the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of playing the clarinet and how it effects your tone, confidence, andskill. Topics include Tone, Intonation, Articulation, Altissimo, Relaxation, Phrasing, Practice and Performance Pitfalls and a guide to surviving college. Also included is a proposed rating scale, checklist for performance, and listings of study and solo repertoire. There is also a discussion of the use of resultant tones for tuning the clarinet and a collection of articles by Daniel Bonade for the aspiring clarinetist which not only serve to inspire, but also helps connect the younger player with the legacy that influenced clarinetists through the 50's, 60's and 70's. Coil-bound.