Chopin, Frederic (Robbins) Preludes for the Intermediate Pianist

Piano Solos

  • Chopin, Frederic (Robbins)

    Preludes for the Intermediate Pianist (Robbins)

    We are proud to introduce the Distinctive Masterworks series geared towards the intermediate pianist. Each melodic passage is derived from Chopin's Original Preludes in both melody and harmony. We have also taken much care in preserving the technical lessons that Chopin incorporated into each etude-like piece. We feel quite strongly that this collection will lift you to new technical challenges and bring you pleasure for years to come.

    Prelude (Op. 28, no. 2) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 4) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 7) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 11) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 1) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 6) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 13) Prelude: Raindrop (Op. 28, no. 15) Prelude (Op. 28, no. 3) and more. - the publisher

    • Category: Piano Solos
    • Item: 137946
    • Grade/Level: Intermediate
    • Price: $14.95

    • (usually ships in 24 hours)